Journal Articles

Journal Articles

These articles by HIP staff and associates discuss conceptual aspects of audio storytelling and podcasting, practice-based academic podcasts underpinned by interdisciplinary collaborations, and podcasts created as Non-Traditional Research Outcomes (NTRO).

Fox, Mim, Siobhán McHugh, Denika Thomas, Felix Kiefel-Johnson and Ben Joseph (2021). Bringing together podcasting, social work field education and learning about practice with Aboriginal peoples and communities. Social Work Education, 1 (17)

McHugh, Siobhán, Ian McLean and Margo Neale (2020). Notes from a Cross-Cultural Frontier: Investigating Australian Aboriginal Art through Podcasts, Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, 16 (4) pp 1-42

McHugh, Siobhán (2019). What happens when Chinese and Western podcasters meet? Flow Journal. February 22 2019.

McHugh, Siobhán (2019). ‘Beyond Journal Articles: Navigating The NTRO (Non-Traditional Research Outcome)’, Flow Journal, University of Austin, Texas. 27 April 2019.

McHugh, Siobhán (2018). ‘Podcasting’s Dirty Secret: Audio Storytelling Takes Art, Craft—And Tons Of Time’, Flow Journal, University of Austin, Texas. 28 Nov 2018.

McHugh, Siobhán (2016). How podcasting is changing the audio storytelling genre. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media, 14(1), 65-82.

McHugh, Siobhán (2012). The affective power of sound: oral history on radio. The Oral History Review, 39 (2) pp. 187-206.  LINK